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Use tabs with angular.js

31 Dec 2013

This page was first published on December 31th 2013 and was last updated on January 4th 2014. See the update below.

It’s not complicated to create tabs with custom templates in angular but I had to research a bit so maybe you won’t have to.

We will use ngSwitch directive to check the activeTab variable and ngInclude to load the right template. In earlier versions of angular it was a bit simpler to do this because we were able to use the same tag for ng-switch-when and ng-include but it’s not the case since 1.2 RC3. You can read the explanation here.

    <li class="pure-button"
        ng-class="{'pure-button-active': activeTab === 'signup'}"
        ng-click="activeTab = 'signup'">
        Sign Up
    <li class="pure-button"
        ng-class="{'pure-button-active': activeTab === 'login'}"
        ng-click="activeTab = 'login'">
        Log in
<div class="tab-content">
    <div ng-switch="activeTab">
        <div ng-switch-when="signup">
            <div ng-include="'partials/signup.html'"></div>
        <div ng-switch-when="login">
            <div ng-include="'partials/login-box.html'"></div>

Of course we will need a default value for activeTab so we set it in the controller.

angular.module('frontendApp.controllers', []).
  controller('LoginSignUpCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
      $scope.activeTab = 'login';

Angular is pretty smart here, it loads only the default tab and if you reopen an already visited tab it won’t download the template again.

Update (04 Jan 2014): The solution above works until we don’t want to do other operations when a user switch to another tab. I modified the original code which turned out to be more readable.

    <li class="pure-button"
        ng-class="{'pure-button-active': activeTab === 'signup'}"
        Sign Up
    <li class="pure-button"
        ng-class="{'pure-button-active': activeTab === 'login'}"
        Log in
<div class="tab-content">
    <div ng-include="tabTemplates[activeTab]">
angular.module('frontendApp.controllers', []).
  controller('LoginSignUpCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {
      $scope.activeTab = 'login';
      $scope.tabTemplates = {
        login: 'partials/login-box.html',
        signup: 'partials/signup.html'

      $scope.switchTabTo = function (tabId) {
        $scope.activeTab = tabId;
        /* other stuff to do */
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Tags: angularjs, javascript, and tabs
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