
Permission denied to call method PandorasBox.open

My adventures with tracking down a database pool leak

20 Aug 2014

This page was first published on August 20th 2014 and was last updated on September 7th 2014. See the update below.

Occasionally I still work on the OpenAM instance of Kir-Dev because they are transitioning to a custom OAuth2 provider solution and they need support for its plugins I wrote.

Few words about my use-case

My latest addition was a bigger refactor and an OAuth2 AttributeMapper implementation. With this plugin users are able to sign in on federated sites which still uses OpenAM, through the new OAuth2 provider.

With the refactor, I introduced a bug which resulted outages caused by the exhaustion of the database connection pool on Tomcat (the container we use for OpenAM). Make things worse, it wasn’t a trivial leak: it happened quite often (few days) but not after some specified number of logins.

DoS it!

Okay, not exactly. I designed an experiment to generate thousands of log in operations with the help of Selenium, PhantomJS and JMeter. I learned a lot on the way - just for a hint from where I started: control Chrome windows with Selenium from a Ruby loop. I improved my setup from 15 ops/min to 50+ ops/min. I ended up with the following:

Run Selenium as standalone with PhantomJS driver

$ export PATH=$(echo $PATH):/home/balo/apps/phantomjs-1.9.7-linux-x86_64/bin
$ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.42.2.jar

Ruby script which simulates a simple login flow

# encoding: utf-8
require 'selenium-webdriver'

OPENAM_LOGIN_URI = "https://HOSTNAME/opensso/UI/Login?service=oauthchain"

CAPS = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Capabilities.phantomjs("phantomjs.cli.args" => ['--ignore-ssl-errors=true'])

def cleanup(driver)

def login_process(driver)
  driver.get OPENAM_LOGIN_URI

  # OpenAM automatically redirects to the login form of the custom OAuth2 provider
  user_field = driver.find_element id: "LoginForm_username"
  user_field.send_keys "<<username>>"
  pass_field = driver.find_element id: "LoginForm_password"
  pass_field.send_keys "<<password>>"

  sleep 1

  # Handle the case when we have to give permission to the application
  if driver.title.eql? "Authorize application"
    driver.find_element(name: "authorized").click

  wait = Selenium::WebDriver::Wait.new(timeout: 20)
    wait.until {
      # OpenAM login url or in case of success, the protected app
      driver.current_url.start_with? OPENAM_LOGIN_URI or driver.current_url.include? "myprotectedapp.com"

    # On failure it will redirect to the OpenAM login url which displays the error
    raise "gotcha: #{driver.title}" if driver.current_url.start_with? OPENAM_LOGIN_URI

driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :remote, url: "", desired_capabilities: CAPS
login_process driver

Call the script above with JMeter OS Process Sampler a few thousand times on 4 threads and wait for failed login operations

Command: /home/balo/.rbenv/versions/2.1.2/bin/ruby
Parameter: /home/balo/code/src/github.com/vbalazs/vir-auth/do-logins.rb
jmeter graph results

About the bug

I implemented my database connection class as an AutoCloseable. My mistake was that I wanted to be smart. I made lazy connection initialization (why?!) and connection validation to make sure I handle every possible corner case in the universe. A friendly suggestion: don’t do it.

I simplified the code, from now on it initialises the connection in the constructor and fail early if something went wrong.

Update (07 Sept 2014): @aldaris pointed out a bug I introduced with my fix. You can see his PR here. Thanks!

Tags: java, openam, jmeter, selenium, ruby, phantomjs, and java

Create application from a specified git SHA on Openshift

26 Jul 2014

Currently there are two options to do this on Openshift. Probably everyone will meet the web console interface first, where one can specify the location of an existing source code repository which will be copied and used for the application. There is also an input for the branch or tag (or SHA) if the head of master is not adequate.

The second, less known solution is to use the rhc ( Red Hat Cloud) command line tool.

It has a --from-code option and you can also specify git ref however I didn’t find this in the documentation. Simply append your branch, tag or SHA after the git repository, followed by # character.

$ rhc create-app myapp php-5.4 --from-code https://github.com/nick/myapp.git#9fbfc057

Be aware that there is a bug which makes this parameter ignored if the name of branch contains / character.

Both methods send requests to the Broker via REST API. You can read about what happens when you create an application here, thanks to Filirom1.

Tags: openshift, paas, red hat, rhc, command line, and git